MPA in Garmin Connect doesn't fluctuate

I rode for the first time with this data field and power evident as data fields on my Edge 520. The MPA indication was usually static but it did dip a bit then returned to the original statement which was 1200. Upon looking at the data for the ride I saw wide variability in this parameter and even had a breakthrough.

Hi Craig,

It sounds like your data fields are using the default signature, and isn’t reflective of your unique signature. Please see the FAQ about configuring your Data Fields on the Garmin here to learn how to update the data fields:


Thank you Scott. I was able to use my cell phone to make the adjustment. Now I should be able to visually see those breakthroughs (more like break downs) as I feel them!

I rode today with the customized information on my headpiece. All worked well. It was interesting to do surges to the target wattage suggested and then to see the MPA recover. My pet name for MPA and high intensity energy is “Warp Speed” and everything else is “Impulse Power”. Sort of dates me as an original series Star Trek fan. All the best. …

Haha, I like that! It’s fun playing with the live MPA datafield, isn’t it? Cheers!

“Engineering, more speed Scotty!” That’s for those Breakthrough moments.