I am new to using Xert so still trying to learn the software. One thing that really has me interested is the magic buckets feature. I currently have a challenge plan selected as I prefer formulate my own training which is structured with the expectation of Saturday following a “loose structure”. A typical Saturday will be 6-8 hours with 2-3 hours accumulated at Lt1 in 20-40 minute blocks. Before Xert I would just keep track of the total time of the blocks in my head (example: 1 x 60 minute block + 3 x 20 minute blocks spaced throughout a 6 hour ride). Is it possible to use magic buckets to track this?
If I’m understanding you correctly, I don’t think Magic Buckets will do what you’re wanting.
Magic Buckets is best used to achieve combinations of Low, High, & Peak strain (e.g. XSS) targets in place of following structured high-intensity intervals.
Sounds like the workouts you’re doing are all variations of sub-threshold intensities. If you only have low XSS to accumulate, Magic Buckets will simply give you a sub-threshold target power and track your accumulated XSS versus the target (the UI for endurance is shown below). XMB won’t track things like 3 x 20, or 1 x 60, etc., if that makes sense.
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Ahhh okay that makes sense. Thank you very much! So much to learn using Xert
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