Let's See Your BREAKTHROUGHS! đŸ’„

One more breakthrough for me. Xert keeps pushing up my TP, I suspect my PP and HIE should be higher and TP lower.

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2.5 min step test instead of classic ramp. Think we can definitely hit 260/270w tp this year at this rate. And maybe 900+ peak (885 was highest now) . And I dont even race, just for fun


Next time, don’t get close to a BT and stop before getting there and also when you reach the BT, keep going. This will help sort out the split between PP/HIE/TP. Stopping arbitrarily close to MPA can confuse the algorithm and hide your true nature of fatigue. Just riding without following a pattern, gives better results.

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Thanks for the advice. I did 30/30ies in mixed mode (rest in ERG and hard in slope). Wasn’t able to press rewind interval before it was too late. Especially since I was standing.

Some power meters are slow to detect an abrupt drop in power and can linger (so called “sticky” power) or will more slowly decrease the power (hard to detect) and this can affect the algorithm. When you have lots of short on/off intervals, these can possibly inflate your signature as a result. Again, doing what comes natural is better than “contrived” workout patterns.

I see. This was done with the internal power meter on a Wahoo Kickr Bike v1. ERG power smoothing turned off.

Hi everyone. I had to flag this workout „hardness test level 15” because of a near breakthrough. Why was my MPA leveled so low comparing to the normal signature of the workout before I started it? My freshness was blue and I just completed everything in smart mode. Normally this workout should not reach MPA or am I wrong?

What is your current status stars count?
That should have been a very hard workout to complete. Was it?
How much did your signature values change before you flagged it? (you can unflag to see then flag again)

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Level 15??!! Crazy!

Since you’re spending a lot of time near TP, just a few watts higher can bring MPA down a lot more than what you see in the original workout. How close you get is also dependent on your signature.


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Thanks for your reply!

I updated my Signature about 10 days ago by a classical 20 minute FTP Test. After that other workouts like “Bulls on parade” or “blow at high dough” were hard, too. So my workout yesterday didn’t not feel completely crazy. Perhaps I need to update my signature again. I am just 9-10 Watt 257 Watt vs 267 watt away from PB. So I am not the next Pro but only a 40 year old dad with a pain cave and fun using xert. :wink:

I just have two stars and my best was about 3,5 last year I think.
After the workout only HIE -0,6kj and TP - 0,2 watt were corrected but I flagged it because I was not trying to BT.

Max. HR was 174 yesterday vs 187 max.
So it was hard but not maximum.

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I’m posting this Near BT to show how I switched back and forth between AUTO and Slope mode.
In Slope mode under your control you can change the results of the workout if you want. :slight_smile:

Here’s the openers after warm-up and Set 1 performed under AUTO mode with Target Power shown –

Pretty close to targets. I could have completed the workout in AUTO mode without issue, but I switched to Slope for the remaining sets to see how I’d do on my own.
Here’s the third Set that triggered the Near BT –

I purposely rode above targets on both Set 2 and 3.
All the while I was glancing at Magic Buckets running on my Garmin 830 to monitor low, high, and peak filling up.
Interestingly MB popped a BT message towards end of Set 2: “Breakthrough in 30 secs @ XXX watts.”
I think that notification should be changed. When you’re close to your maximum effort and starting to fade, 30 seconds sounds like a death sentence. :exploding_head: 20 secs OTOH I might seriously consider. :thinking:
While you could also raise the ante (power) and shorten the time frame. I wasn’t up for that either.
Had I kept going on the last interval a full-blown BT was imminent but I talked myself out of it.
I had two more HIT days scheduled on my XFAI forecast for the week and I wasn’t keen on potentially making them harder.

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Just received the below breakthrough from race one of the Tiny Race Series. I was pushing hard and it was an all out effort. Doing four of those in a hour is a great workout :hot_face:

My only question is given their short nature can I rely on this?

They were recorded as one activity and it looks like you did flatline MPA for at least 5-7 secs to generate a valid BT.
You can verify that duration by selecting Previous button below the chart and zoom in on the final effort.

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