KGE Missing


I’ve noticed that the KGE value is now missing from My Activities - Table View, since feature launch.

I’ve been pretty much exclusively indoor training for the last couple of months and the value historically has been identical: 0.42 KGE. This is same as 90kg on flat rider example in the doc, but I’m 72KG maybe this is default placeholder value for past indoor rides where gravity not at play? I do have one outdoor ride with a bit of elevation ~1000m: 0.67KGE (still figuring out what that means exactly :') but since the feature announcement the value is null; is this just cause the ride is indoor and I won’t get a calculated value until I upload an outdoor ride?


Hi Colin,

Exactly! In order to get KGE value for a ride, you’ll need an activity with valid elevation (& thus gradient) data!

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