I’m having an issue opening the workout player on my 1030. After I’ve authorized it through my phone it loads a mostly black screen with the “IQ” logo with an exclamation point on it. Any ideas what the problem is?
That error typically means the device has an issue loading the app.
There was an update to the Player about a month ago. Current version is 3.3.
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
Is the Garmin running on latest firmware?
Was the Player running fine in the past?
Thanks for your reply @ridgerider2
The Garmin is running version 9.5, and I tried updating the workout player to version 3.3. But still getting the same result. And yes, the player has been working fine up to about a week ago (I’ve been using Xert for several years).
Try changing your workout and see if that might be causing it. If so, let us know which workout you are trying to load. There might be an error in the definition.