Is there any news on Xert Mobile for iOS?

The workouts look great BUT I use an iPhone/iPad …

I’d also would love to use it. Or be kind of beta tester :wink: I’d used it also for my commuter bike and MTB

Im currently on Android, but in some month I’ll be interested too. Would beta-test too.

I would beta as well.

The hard part is almost done - all the sensor connectivity, data collection and processing with our algorithms. This is by far the hardest piece and we’ve made excellent progress on this. Putting things together in a friendly and intuitive UI will be the following step.

Sounds good.

Thanks Armando sorry for the tardy reply I missed this

Any update on the progress Armando?

Progress has been good. All the Sensor and Xert algorithms have been implemented, including the smart interval calculations. We’re currently working on the UI (power gauge, metrics display) and a surprise new feature that will be available on the iOS version (fingers crossed). We may have an testable alpha version ready within a couple of weeks.