Intensity Adjustment Suggestion on Android App

I was running the Taxman workout on 2/26, and found it to be too easy, so I adjusted the intensity up to 110%. This set the initial power target for the intervals to be a decent level, but then the MPA calculation quickly dropped the power level, resulting in a few good seconds before it crashes the power to avoid dropping MPA any further.

For SMART intervals, it’d be cool if the ‘intensity’ factor adjusted the actual target metric, rather than power directly. Those micro intervals run at 99.4% reserve MPA, and pick a power target to achieve that. Currently, the system adjusts the power target, but then the SMART system brings the power down. Instead, the SMART system could have it run at 110% intensity of the 99.4% reserve MPA - which I guess would be 98.5% or something similar.

Adjusting the intensity up actually made the workout considerably easier, as it only gave me about 5s at ~250W, instead of the ~15s of 230W it was programmed for.

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Interesting. Which app were you running?

Xert Mobile - this one.

We’ll need to consider your recommendation. It makes sense to affect the Target MPA as you increase/decrease the intensity. Not an easy mathematical problem though as we need to move 3 numbers with a single percentage value change.

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Interesting idea.

I forgot to include phone brand on my beginner’s bio questionnaire. :slight_smile:
Many of us on Android are now running Xert EBC which is in public beta.
EBC will eventually replace XM and supports indoor/outdoor activities plus the new Sessions feature. More functions are planned before the official release.
Search Google Play for Xert EBC.
You can have both apps installed if you’d like to compare them.

Also note the Taxman workout is designed as an over/under sweet spot workout.
If your signature is dialed in raising the intensity that high will move you into over/over territory (threshold training). That’s fine for a harder workout but it does change the intended effect of the workout.

This article explains sweet spot/threshold versus Xert’s hybrid polarized approach to training.
You will do sweet spot training with Xert but not anywhere near the amount prescribed by platforms based on SSB/SST (sweet spot base/sweet spot training).
Sweet Spot, Threshold and Polarized Training … By the Numbers – Xert (

Many of us are are converts from SSB/SST and finding better results with Xert.
It is a more gradual approach to peak fitness that works well for many cyclists. YMMV

I forgot to include phone brand on my beginner’s bio questionnaire.

It’s a Samsung Galaxy S8 Active. Though I am strongly considering moving to an iPad for my indoor training computer.

Many of us on Android are now running Xert EBC which is in public beta.

Cool! I downloaded it and will give it a shot for today’s ride.

Also note the Taxman workout is designed as an over/under sweet spot workout.
If your signature is dialed in raising the intensity that high will move you into over/over territory (threshold training). That’s fine for a harder workout but it does change the intended effect of the workout.

I’m not sure how accurate my signature is yet. Strava is reporting my “fitness” from power+relative effort as being pretty much constant at 61 for the last few weeks, despite putting in decent time and effort. I’m working on getting a power meter on the bike for moar data, but we’ll see!

Thanks for the article recommendation! I’ll read it and digest it. I have basically no knowledge or experience with formal/structured cycling training, but I do have some background in powerlifting training, so I’m not a complete noob at programming.