Imported Workouts

I imported a number o structured work outs but where can i go find all i imported. the search for these is hit and miss. I want to make sure they are all there so I can follow them. From the app I cant use planner … Maybe just not intuitive.

If you go to…

Training>Workouts and filter to “Personal” you’ll see your imported workouts.

Thank you ,

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Hi @cumbiamo

By default, Xert will always show the top recommended workouts that you have access to for a particular day from the Xert standard library, coach’s library (if applicable), and your own personal library. It’s possible that the workouts you imported aren’t a good match for the training recommendations from Xert, so they won’t be recommended.

As George mentioned, you can head to Training > Workouts and use the filter to only show Personal workouts. That being said, you should still be able to find the workouts with a text search as well.

You can also give your favorite workouts a ‘Thumbs Up’, which makes them more likely to be recommended:

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