I have been using xert now for a couple months. I am seeing a steady rise in my

FTP but my MPA keeps dropping. I havent done a peak power test in a while and thought that Xert will keep calculating from my fittness progression. Do i have to do peak power sprints every so often to let XERT keep track of it? From my daily activities i never acheive MPA and wonder if thats why its getting dropped. Great software by the way. Thanks

Hi Ali. Thanks. By default, Xert doesn’t track your numbers without some form of “test” (“test” is used loosely since it’s not a test in a formal or typical sense. You just need power above MPA). This means that you will need to push our a peak power effort to set that value every so often as it will decline over time if you don’t. Same with (F)TP. Have MPA decline with fatigue until your power is above MPA.

thanks armando