I don't ride with power outdoors - is XERT for me?


I am considering using XERT but don’t ride outdoors with a power meter. At the moment I tend to do 3-4 indoor trainer rides (Wahoo KICKR) and then one Gravel ride outdoors using HRM only.

When we move into spring time then the turbo will see less action and I will only have HRM.

Not sure if XERT is for me

You can enable HRDM (heart rate derived metrics) under Account Settings, Profile.
However, the accuracy of that function is dependent upon historical data on file with power, cadence, and HR. If you don’t have that on file for both indoor and outdoor workouts, and don’t plan to purchase a power meter for use outdoors (to at least record power produced during rides), I would say Xert isn’t for you.
The model is based on training by power. HR alone isn’t viable for a number of reasons.

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I agree with ridgerider2 but to the best of my knowledge no other training platform comes close to Xert if you don’t have a power meter for outside rides.

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I’d say it’s worth it just for the winter training… and as @carytb says, you’d have the same problem no matter which platform you use in winter to be honest. You can pay monthly and pause your subscription during summer (like you can for Zwift for example)… and then (I think) restart and load in the missing data next winter, so you have a good start for the following winter ‘season’…

And re HRDM, you don’t strictly have to have outdoor power data to calibrate it. I guess if your HR is significantly different indoors vs outdoors it could be out by a bit, but think it’s better than nothing. You can also turn that off, and enter manual XSS and focus if you prefer (doing that for endurance rides is actually easy enough, but when you have higher intensity or mixed rides it’s more difficult).

I have quite similar set-up, smart bike trainer for indoor workouts in the winter and gravel / mtb only with HRM and cadence sensor for the rest of the year. My approach is to have structured workouts in the winter time and ride for fun in the spring and summer. Xert works very well for me in that respect, as it fully covers my winter training needs and tracks training load and some other metrics for rides without powermeter.

Anyway, the answer to your question depends on your goals and expectations. If your are interested in structured workouts for your indoor riding, then Xert is always a very good and cost efficient option. But if structured training it is not your key focus and your are more keen on virtual racing, ride simulation etc., then other platforms have also plenty to offer.

Buy a used set of power meter pedals in good condition. Good investment….you only need one side to keep cost down. Power is the bomb

So glad to see this. Away from home, where I normally train with a power meter, but am riding an MTB with only an HRM. Estimation will see me through the holiday!