I am Very Excited to Join the Xert Online Community!

Hi there

I am new here and very excited, to join this community… I’ve recently started using Xert and am amazed by how it helps me understand my training better. I am still learning my way around, but I am eager to dive in and make the most of all the tools and advice available.

I am particularly interested in any beginner tips you might have. Also, if there are any threads or topics you recommend for a newbie like me, please let me know.

Thanks for having me here. I am looking forward to contributing and learning from everyone.

With Regards, :grinning:


Welcome aboard. This should help get you started. :wink:
Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum (xertonline.com)

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@ridgerider2 thank you for the Warm Welcome! :blush:

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