HUGE difference in remaining XSS

When I open “My Fitness” page, I’m informed “Your Training Status is Tired and have some training still left to complete. You should consider a workout or activity generating about 51 XSS of overall strain, with less than ◆⬖ difficulty” and the recommended workouts are walks or 45 minute indoor trainer sessions.

But when I open the Planner and choose tomorrow (Saturday), I am informed: “Your Training Status is Tired and have some training still left to complete. You should consider a workout or activity generating about 251 XSS of overall strain, with less than ◆⬖ difficulty” which is a 2+ hour ride.

Why the significant difference?

A remaining number indicates a gap between what was recommended and what you have completed for the day. It doesn’t mean you have to close that gap.
A deficit/surplus (needle position to Noon) doesn’t carry over to the next day.
Are you sure it said “left to complete” on Saturday or are you more concerned about the jump in XSS for Saturday?

The Training page reflects status/form as of right now (refresh page if browser has been left running with cached content).
The Planner reflects calculated status/form as of the default Start time indicated when you view recommendations for the day.
XSS deficit/surplus is relative to your configured ramp rate against a rolling 7-day window based on weighted-moving average.
Recommended XSS is relative to what you have ridden in recent past on same day of the week which you may choose not to repeat this week.

With XATA the recommendation also includes a Difficulty level (diamond count 1-5) that reflects XSS per hour (easy, moderate, difficult, tough, hard).
250 XSS at 1-1/2 diamond difficulty (easy) would be the 5 hour range at 50 XSS/hr.
Difficulty Rating – Xert (
Of course you don’t have to do that if you don’t have the time
A route’s terrain and your gearing will also influence what difficulty level is achieved.

Reference –
Recommended XSS – Xert (
Also see first entry under Improve section explaining XSS jumps here –

Thanks, this helps – somewhat. :slight_smile:

It seems every day the training status recommends a ride of “less than ◆⬖ difficulty.”

But then the recommendations that pop up all exceed the difficulty rating. For example, today the recommendations start with Duration: 2:17:00
Focus: Pure Endurance
XSS: 166 ( 166 | 0.0 | 0.0 )
Fat/Carbs: 121 g / 113 g
Suitability: Fair, Challenging, Optimal Focus

All subsequent listing are more difficult or longer.

The bulk of the Workouts Library is comprised of workouts less than 2 hours.
When you see Pure Endurance and the XSS ratio is all Low strain, you can simply ride with the XSS total in mind.
166 at an easy pace (50 XSS/hr) would be ~3.5 hours. Or 2.5 at a moderate 2+ diamond pace (70 XSS/hr).
Indoors you can also select one of the Free Ride workouts (various durations) to ride in Slope mode.
When selections are slim from the library you can alternately run Autogen to create a simple workout that matches today’s goal. This works best for HIT workouts.

Something else at play is your status stars count.
Recommendations in general will pair status stars count to difficulty diamond count (if matches found in the library).
That doesn’t mean you can’t tackle higher difficulty than your stars count indicate, but you’ll likely struggle with HIT workouts above your star count.

What is your current status stars count?
What are your current Program settings?