HIE vs. TP

When I have small breakthroughs, in particular for TP, I seem to almost always have a significant drop in HIE. I realize there’s a ratio between them that affects this, but it still seems strange to me that there’s often an HIE penalty for TP breakthroughs. Does this seem correct? What is causing it? Any way to prevent it?
I’ve attached an example…

Hi @nnovod , congrats on the breakthrough!

With regard to your question… is your Peak Power accurate & up to date? HIE is more closely tied to your Peak Power, rather than your Threshold Power.

I haven’t done any sprinting in a while, so I suppose peak power is not up to date. However peak power didn’t change when the breakthrough occurred, so it doesn’t seem right that HIE would change if it’s based on peak power.

How long ago was your prior BT?
The new value is closer to the median band in this chart.

It’s a good idea to validate your PP every now and then.
For an indoor sprint workout try this one.
Outdoors go for a max 10-20 sec effort up a short hill. I spin up and stand when I do these.

Reference –
Are there errors in my Fitness Signature? – Xert (baronbiosys.com)

My last breakthrough was on June 30th, but that was probably an odd one since I had just started coming back (4th day back) after being mostly off the bike for 2 weeks (a week of Covid followed by a week abroad).