I currently use a Garmin watch to track my running power. After reading up on the topic, I decided to purchase a Stryd pod. Since the power metrics provided by Garmin and Stryd differ significantly, I’m wondering about the best approach to adjust my running profile in Xert.
Until now, all my running activities have been based on Garmin’s power data, but I anticipate that my fitness signature will change once I start using Stryd.
Hi mate,
Unfortunately, there is neither an easy nor a truly effective method for change. What I can suggest is
If you want to have real data from the beginning (as I did), delete all workouts with Garmin and start entering them anew (I know it’s a shame about the old data, but sometimes it’s the best solution).
You need to do a few intense workouts and tests, and Xert will quickly update everything for you
If you want to keep the entire training history and base it in combination with Stryd, I suggest
a. Find the LT power according to Garmin. Garmin’s power is higher than Stryd’s by about 30-60%, so to equalize this, you need to enter a higher weight in Stryd so that the LT matches
(You enter the weight in Stryd once and never change it again, and it really doesn’t matter what you enter). I know people who enter 100kg weighing 65kg because then they have power/kg 1:1
I see no other way, and I’ve been using it since 2016, so I know something about it.
In my humble opinion, it’s the best idea.
I did the same and after two weeks, I already had very reasonable offers from Xert.
But right at the beginning, I also did a 10-minute max power test plus 3x max sprint.