Quick question. Are there any plans to add different goals other than a target event date? I don’t race anymore so I thought maybe it’d be useful to have other goals say you wanted to improve your anaerobic capacity, threshold, etc.
He Pete. you can’t really improve these independently (unless you do all your riding below threshold). The Focus concept is just a way to identify in what ratios you can/want to improve them. So for example, if you wanted to raise your Anaerobic Capacity, you could choose a Pursuiter which for you (and most) would have a higher allocation of HIE contribution to your power as compared to other durations, but you’d still improve PP and TP in the process just not as much as other training. If your Target Event Date is before today, you’ll get a higher variety of training recommended around your particular Athlete Type. If you want more focus, simple use the Load More button to choose a workout with your desired focus more often.
Thanks for your prompt reply (as always :)), Armando. I didn’t think of it that way but makes sense, thanks!
this is me as well, in that I am not a racer, I would like if maybe on one of the blogs or the Podcast you went over how people who are not specifically racing but are interested in improving certain characteristics can tweak the system to help them achieve these sort of goals… for instance I want to improve my ability to climb, as well as everyone I want to improve the specific areas that contribute to improvements in this area, forget weight that is not my problem, so HIE? TP, LTP? etc. Xert is still a developing idea with most people and we need guidance to understand the way these things work. maybe a spider graph that helps show how the key factors impact/ interact with each other or apply to athlete types? It might be in some of the FAQs or blog but finding it is not always easy.