Back in February everything was fine, I was riding the trainer regularly and there was good agreement between how I felt and what Xert assumed was my condition. The recommended workouts were well balanced and I felt improvements in my form coming in. Due to having to take care of small medical issue I didn’t ride until today, almost 2 month break and I feel Xert may need some help to get me back on track in the best possible way.
Here are what my settings used to be in February:
Profile: GC specialist. Chosen based on the fact that it is well rounded profile, not that I chase any particular goal here.
Event time: 20.05.2021. Chosen based on the fact that approximately at that time I would be riding mostly outdoors, so my structured workouts were going to be pretty much done at this point. There is no any event I am pursuing.
Improvement rate: varying between maintenance, slow and moderate-1. I switched it to off-season right before taking my break.
Today Xert recommended me “Hardness level 2” workout, which I read is for people recovering from injuries. Good enough I guess. The workout was relatively easy and I feel pretty good after it. However, xert has bumped my status from relaxed to tired and is now recommending me “Feel LIke Makin’ Bike” which from what I read is slightly above “just fooling around on the bike”. At the same time I feel fresh and enthusiastic to put some nice workouts, without overdoing it of course.
I assume my situation is corner case and Xert’s algorithms cannot fully adapt to it, so they probably need a little help to nudge them in the right direction. What I think to do is as follows:
- Perform a breakthrough workout tomorrow. Purpose being to refresh my signature, however this goes against the current xert recommendation of doing a relaxed endurance workout.
- Bump my event time to 30.06. On the current settings my “peak” phase is supposed to start in two days, but due to the time-off I missed most of my “build” phase, so I want to have some build exercises as well. I feel my “base” phase was fine before, but I am not sure if I should include some long endurance base building exercises too if the groundwork I laid in February has worn off. Will moving the date forward sort this out?
Does that sound like a good plan and is there anything else I should tweak to help xert hit the ground running with me?