Forecast AI not able to build plan for long event in June

Trying to build a plan for the Lumberjack 100 MTB race in mid-June. I have done this race 3 times, with times in the 9:25 - 9:45 range. The forecast AI is not able to solve for a plan for this event - I have been able to complete the race from a similar starting point in previous years. I would apprecate any suggestions:


The upcoming update will help with this. Won’t be long…


Yep same issue. Wants me to train > 25hrs a week. Hoping there is an option for max time available or something similar.

I am having the reverse problem setting up for my crit season this spring. I set event duration to 1 hour, focus pursuiter, specificity polar and it drops my training load to lower than the off season. HIE and PP go up, but I know I can’t be competitive a at TP of 200 watts, which is where it projects me. I went back to the old planner. I’ll try again after the updates.

Looking forward to the update and trying out the AI planner.

Any update on this issue?

Hi William,

Have you tried re-forecasting recently? Since your original post, we’ve added Event Readiness, which should help improve the ability for the forecastAI to create a training program, even for huge events like this - 660 XSS is no joke!

I just did. Thanks Scott - the results are much better.

Any way to force the long rides to the weekend or limit the rides on weekdays to a certain duration?

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The clock icon on the days on your planner once you have a plan saved let you do that. When availability is set to your liking click the adjust button to let it recalculate.


Yes - like @idefix mentions, use the clock icon in the planner to set a duration limit on weekday rides. After setting availabilities, try re-creating the forecast and you should (generally) see longer rides fall on weekends.