For all of those who might have missed this!

Xert Mobile with Smart Workout support arrived!!!
XertMob 2.2.0

Just updated. Will give it a whirl ASAP!

A very BIG Thank You to Armando and his team! &#128582

Now, what else do I need to also use these other new tools? Xert New Tools

<I’m drooling…>

yes super job by XERT team and I add my thanks as well.
@Lorenzo – I got the remote player to run in Chrome on my Mac and overlaid it on top of Zwift – my technology stack is getting amazing :stuck_out_tongue: Now if I could only connect to my Alexa or Google home and XERT would shout ‘Allez Georges! Allez!’

Remote Player not yet supported with Xert Mobile. :frowning: It’s coming. We’ll be putting out another update to XM to address a couple of issues and will look to add that as a feature.

I still can’t figure out how to use the Xert Web-based Remote Player :frowning:
My hardware goes like this: Computer with ANT+ dongle, Android device with Xert App, Garmin Edge 800, Garmin Power Vector V.1 pedals, Kurt Kinetic Road Machine trainer, a bike and… uh… a pair of legs to make the whole thing work :wink:

First test:
started a Zwift session
launched the Xert Mob App
picked up a Smart Interval workout from Xert Mob list
started the Xert Remote Player in Chrome
AND… Everything works as supposed but the Xert Remote Player :frowning:

Second test:
started a Zwift session
launched the Xert Mob App
started the Xert Mob App in free mode training (Activity page)
(in Chrome) clicked on the “Selected Workout” link on my Fitness page
Remote Player opens but no data are showing
(on the Xert Mob) switched to the Workout page and selected the same workout as per my Fitness page
workout started on Xert Mob
nothing happens to the Web-based Remote Player

Does the Remote Player only work in conjuction with a CIQ capable device (AND the related app installed on it)?

<I’m confused>

P. S. Liked your idea to pair Xert to Alexa/Google Home and have them cheering at you while training! :slight_smile:
Who knows? Maybe it’s on Armando’s to-do list…