Focus and specificity very different on similar workouts?


I just checked the last two workouts that I did, yesterday and the day before.
On the 15th, I did a LSD 75, and Xert tells me that my focus was of “1:00:00” hour, and the specificity of “Pure”.
On the 14th, I did a LSD 90, and Xert tells mes that my focus was of “7:18:21” hour, and the specificity of “Polar”.

There MUST be a mistake somewhere, but I don’t see anything wrong from my data !?
Is there any logical explanation ?

Anything over 1 hour is essentially the same - endurance focus. Some calculations are a bit more precise.

The ‘polar’ in pure endurance workouts happens when there is one small spike above TP somewhere. I’m not sure that is really intended, don’t know.