Fitness Comparison and Ranking not updating

If I select “past 2 weeks” or “6 weeks” in my period statistics my personal current and best ratings do not update. Its not a lack of activity data, I have uploaded over 8 months worth, including races in the past 6 weeks. Any ideas?

It happens to me exactly the same, as you can solve?

Do they update on a browser refresh?

Mine finally updated a few days ago. Not sure what changed. When i was having this issue i tried refresh, logout and back in. No success.

It is very possible that your 2 week and 6 weeks Best activities are the same. In this case, it won’t change what you see.

Understood… but the issue is/was the personal progress gauge displayed 0% and the best/current were also 0. if you changed the period to 3months or more this gauge would populate, but with old data not current data included. I’m sure this is what Rober Mesa is seeing?

Which browser/OS are you using? If you’re able to try a different browser, does the problem still exist?

I’m using Chrome… My is updating now. Check with Mr. Mesa.

I’m using Safari ni my ipad

I’m displayed 0% last 2 or 6 weeks

Rober, looks like you have not had a “best” activity (one with a medal or circle on the Progression Chart) within the last 6 weeks. Therefore, you don’t have a “best” value in that time period. This can happen, for example, if your training has been easy and without maximal efforts. We’ll improve how this gets displayed since it currently looks like there is an error in calculation.

I have similar

issueNot so sure about this, have been training consistently for the past 6 months. Please see the attach picture and advised. Is this normal

Same issue here. Results are the same for any date period selected.
I have reported it to