Xert has a great feature that recommends training for the day. Existing outdoor activities will also be suggested based on how well the xlss, xhss, and xpss match the targets for the day.
Unfortuantly, this doesn’t work that well for me because I ride in multiple locations. So when I look at my recommendations for today, only 2 out of 15 suggests on the first page are relevant today due to the distance to the start location (a driving distance of 200 km or more, 8 are in a different country).
Q: @xertedbrain / @ManofSteele Could you add a feature where you filter the workouts based on the distance between the start location (available in the .fit file) and my current location (which you already have for weather predictions)? Straight-line distance will be good enough. The cut off distance could be configurable as some user might normally drive to their start location (or e.g. plan their workout while they are at e.g. work). This distance could perhaps be listed as well.
Yes. I’ve had that happen to me as well after a cycling trip. It’s a bit of an annoyance until the 3 months go by and settle back at home. We can consider adding this in the future. For the time being, you can uncheck the 3 month restriction and then filter by the name you often call the route/activity.
A simpler and more generic alternative could be to just improve the search functionality a bit so you can support operators like “NOT”.
So when I get many hits in a location I do not care about I can just put e.g. “-mallorca” in the search field assuming I have that word in the title or description. This can also work very well if you rutinely do group rides (or even races) that are later propsed. They are obviously not relevant if you are going on a solo ride, unless you were in the front for most of the ride.
The NOT operator could also be usefull when searching for workouts as well.