DIY Carb/Electrolyte mix

I know this topic not really related to Xert per se but I was curious if you had a recipe for a DIY Cab/Electrolyte mix. I’ve mainly used Skratch and Tailwind - which worked well for me but at $60-70 per kg, I was wondering if I could make my own mix using what I had in my pantry. So for the last 3rd of the 2024 cycling season I was using the following:

  • 60g of white sugar
  • 5g of table salt
  • 750 ml of water
  • 1/4 lemon or lime

When mixed together, I could tolerate the salt/sugar combo. The lemon/lime really helped to cut the salt/sugar taste and the drink seemed to give me the energy required to complete long rides.

The above recipe would give you about 230 cal (60g carbs / 600 mg sodium).

I just purchase Dextrose and looking to experiment to see if I could reduce the sweetness of the drink while maintaining the carb levels.

Do you have a recipe? Care to share?

My recipe is dead simple. It’s how much sugar I want for the ride, divided by the number of bidons I’m using. I’ll use 1 x 600ml, 1 x 750ml, 2 x 750ml or 2 x 950ml depending on how hot and long the ride will be.

As for how much sugar I use, I’ll base it on something like this:


This has a really simple base recipe about halfway down the page. I have had good luck with it in the past. I usually make a big pitcher and keep in the fridge during warmer months.

Regarding electrolytes, according to Dr. Tim Podlogar, a leading scientist on this topic, you don’t really need extra intake of electrolytes for exercises under 4 hours, unless you are a heavy sweater (which most of us aren’t). The electrolyte craze is largely the result of misunderstandings about cramps (like the magnesium myth). Until recently, ingredients in sports drinks were chosen by marketing departments, not scientists (e.g., fructose was once considered bad, but now the 1:0.8 ratio is the norm).

All you need is sugar, as much as your stomach can handle :grinning:

Whether out for an hour spin or a 6+ hour jaunt with climbs, the Saturday app has never failed me. :slight_smile:
Their Speed Nectar = water + sugar + salt. I use sodium citrate.
The only reason to add anything else is if you object to the sweetness or get bored with the same old thing. :smiley:
For the long rides I carry the sugar/salt mix in Ziplocs for refills along the way.

I’m saving thousand$ over what I spent on gels, powders, electrolyte tablets, etc. over the years.
Well worth the annual subscription to support all the content they provide within the app, on their website, and YT channel.



Thanks for sharing all!

@Old_Major I love that table! It gives a great visual of the approximate intake for duration of the ride.

@ridgerider2 I plan on getting some sodium citrate and use it (vs. salt). I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one riding with small ziplocks full of sugar/salts for refuelling :smiley: . I’ll have to check out the Saturday app.

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If you don’t want to go cold turkey and switch to liquid fuel, or you prefer something to chew on during rides, you can incorporate your favorite gel, snacks, etc. into Saturday’s Speed Nectar formula.
I still carry a GU gel for a caffeine boost on long rides (if needed) but many times I return without having used it. The point is you’ll need a LOT less of whatever you buy now. :+1:
Setup-wise you enter your age and weight then personalize the app to match your requirements.
It may take a few rides to dial things in to your metabolism and getting used to the gut change.


It seems that I solved my cramp’s problem. I was always getting cramps, either during a ride (long and/or intense) or during the next night. I was always stressed when going to bed, because I knew that I would get cramps at some time, and if it wouldn’t wake me up quickly, I would be in pain for the next few days (because of my muscles being contracted for too long). Well, after experimenting with different products to mitigate those cramps (nothing really helped: magnesium, salt, pickle juice, “magic pills”, …), last Spring, I had an epiphany. I was addicted to a certain “food”. I realized that, those rare days when I didn’t have that food, I had fewer cramps the next day. On the contrary, if I had more of that food than usual, I had more horrible cramps. So I tried. I completely cut it off. Since then, no cramps anymore ! Well, maybe I will get some if I ever do a verrrrry long and hard session, going beyond my limits. Twice since last Spring, I got cramps. Twice, it happened the day I had a piece of that food, because it was offered to me and I couldn’t refuse. Now I know that it’s a poison for me, so I politely decline if someone proposes it. If you are also prone to cramps and have that same addiction, try by yourself and see if it changes anything !

PS, things I also noticed about that food: it was preventing me from sleeping, it was giving me horrible nightmares when I was finally asleep, and it was giving me pimples on my thighs (strange, doesn’t it ?). Surprisingly, I also noticed that the magnesium, by itself, gives me dreams, but there is something in that “food” containing magnesium that makes the brain switch those dreams to nightmares.

PS2: did you guess what food I got rid of ?

That’s bananas :banana:

Nope. My morning smoothie still contains 6-10 bananas.

Preventing sleep, nightmares… coffee?? (I hope not, for you :slight_smile: )

Some type of nut butter?

10 bananas for breakfast is bananas!


Nope, coffee has almost no effect on me.
No problem either with nut butter… Though I should start limiting my intakes: slices of bread with peanut butter (or speculoos paste) and bananas, that’s quite fatty !
Those bananas in my smoothies are only part of them. 3-5 oranges, 6-10 dattes, and several other ingredients to have a good daily start.