Display for workouts

Is it possible to declutter the screen by at least getting rid of the chat window Im trying to view it using an ipad and only option i can find is everything or just one window (ie video but no workout progress, workout but no progress etc Thanks

Tap Settings (gear icon) in upper right of the Session Player and configure what you want shown.
Also try Overlay with Transparency option for an even better viewing experience like these.

Add a wireless mouse and views like this are possible (my current favorite) –

Note: You can only clear the pesky :wink: < > page controls if you have a mouse and drag the cursor off-screen. They don’t appear on a laptop with active keyboard but a 2-in-1 laptop will display the circles if you flip into tablet touchscreen-only mode. In that case an external mouse comes to the rescue. :smiley:

Here’s one on an iPad without wireless mouse treatment –

One thing I have noticed is the video resolution on the iPad isn’t consistent on Safari.
Here’s one using Chrome browser instead –