Difficulty Metric

I was racing last night. Ended up winning but after uploading the ride I realized that for a decent section of the ride the “Difficulty” metric goes off the chart as in over 200. Is there something wrong with my signature or is this common? I know there isn’t a correlation between difficulty and a breakthrough workout but as this was a “Near Breakthrough” ride it reduced my overall threshold and thus, I’m thinking, increased the perceived difficulty. Now, don’t get me wrong, the race was seriously hard as I was constantly in break’s or solo off the front. XERT

You can see from about 48 minutes to 53 minutes the “Difficulty” metric disappears off of the graph.

Congrats Saran!!! a) winning the race and b) breaking 200 Difficulty! It can happen and really means that you had an extraordinary effort. The Difficulty axis is fixed at 200 so that it is easy to see how you’re doing ride to ride. You are correct though that a drop in fitness signature that may slightly underestimate your fitness will result in higher difficulty score. You can tinker with the signature on Activity Details / Advanced (for example, enter your previous signature and click Refresh) to see what your Difficulty would have been with these values. Great stuff!