Deleted activity

Hi all,
I am waiting for Wahoo to sent me a replacement computer and in the meantime I’m using a really old Bryton computer. A lot of times it has happened now that when clicking the lap button, it automatically deletes the ride… today I did some really good intervals and held a pretty steady power for all of them. Is there a way to manually create a file so Xert knows what I did today and doesn’t think it was a rest day?

From the Planner page –

Option A: Select Activities, drag and drop a favorited activity to the date in the past. Or search for s similar activity in the past to drag and drop.
Must drag to a date in the past since today or any date in the future is considered a planned activity you may or may not complete. Date in the past is treated as a completed activity.

Option B: Click on the date in the past and describe the activity including values for duration and XSS.

Thanks a lot. I had not discovered the manual entry in the planner yet.