Choose intensity days

it would be a great option, to my point of view, if we could specificy on which days we can do endurance or intervals.
Say Tuesday, Thursday intervals as example, endurance the other days. Or any other combination

I would also like to have some control of this. Certain days I would only like to do low intensity because I know I will not have the equipment to do high intensity (e.g. spinning bike at a hotel without a power meter) or I want to do a long endurance ride outside because the weather is good.

If I had this possibility next summer I would look at the weather forecast and set the days with sunny weather to low intensity, and expect Xert to move all the high intensity sessions to the rainy days. I might also be willing to increase my availability for the sunny days, by do not want to ride up and down the same hill all day.

I do not need to be able to set this as a default for each weekday, but I do want to be able to opt out of high intensity one day at the time.

This can be partly solved by just pinning a low intensity activity at the relevant days and then pressing Adapt Forecast. But this also forces a certain XSS for the day, which might not be ideal.