Can't get through workout on Garmin 520 due to interrupts

I’ve been trying to complete a workout and have yet to be able to get through it because if there is any interruption on my Garmin, the workout stops. the first time I was riding and a live segment popped up. I canceled live segments, but the next time, someone passed nearby and my garmin detected their HRM and that popped up, canceling the workout as well. I couldn’t find a way to get back to the workout in question and restarting it began the program from the beginning again. Very frustrating! Is there a fix for this?

We’ll have to work with Garmin on this since our app doesn’t control the other things happening on the device.

Cool. Yeah I think it would be very useful (and should be simple for them) to have a function that disables interrupts when you are running a ConnectIQ app. In places like California (where I live), many (if not most) people do their training outdoors, so these interruptions happen all too often. Even an incoming phone call ruins the workout