Breaktrough, LTP

Hi Data Nerds!

I just wanted to Train as structured as u do - so i joined xert an i am about to Setup everything nicely. That Said, i am concerened, about some topics - maybe someone can help me:

  • i trained much more in summer as in the cold season - my fitness declined every Winter. As a premium member i feeded xert with all
    My past activities from Strava. After the calculation my last breakthrough was 2 years !? This was an ftp Test 2022 - then my fitness declined again through Winter, But got better summer 2023 und summer 23 → shouldnt he find some breakthroughts in the summers as i got. bette an better? Was it a good thing to load the data back to 2021?

  • My LTP is suggested as 196, my TP 240. LTP
    Seems far to high as i cant maintain 196 that long. What do i think.

Just wanted to make sure, that my basic Numbers a right, so i can Train to my best!


Hey Thomas,

Welcome to Xert! We can help review your data here if you’d like! Would you mind sharing your XPMC chart (set to ‘Forever’) so we can review it together? And maybe also share the MPA chart from your last Breakthrough activity? It would be good to make sure there aren’t any power meter errors that are skewing things.

hi! thist would be really nice!

i hope i did it the right way! My strava account goes back to 2016, but xert only allowed me to upload the activities since 2021…

This ist what de xpmc chart looks like:

thats the mpa chart of the Breaktrough activity 2021 (Full frontal FTP Test)

Thanks in Advance!

Give it another try! :slight_smile: It seems Xert needed a little adjustment to get the most accurate TP estimate from your sprint efforts during that Full-Frontal test. I simply lowered your TP by 10W and allowed Xert to recalculate everything since then. You should now see several breakthroughs detected, and your fitness should be tracking nicely with your Training Load over time:

Enjoy your training!

wow! thank you very much!

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Good work.
Can you adjust my chart to add another 50 watts as well.
I didn’t realise Xert offered that service :grinning:


Manually increasing it is easy - now doing the workouts or achieving your daily XSS targets on the other hand might be a bit harder! :wink:

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some additional thoughts came into my mind:

  • My PP was measured some years ago, where i was fitter for sure - i cant imagine doing this 1030 Watts right now. What sense does it make to “ground” all of my trainingsplans on a data, which was measured 2-3 years ago?

  • got on a ride today: after 1,5h my MPA went back to almost normal - i could not imaging doing that number after all this torture at all ;-), there are rides in my log which been 5h hours long - got cramps all over, but my TP went back to normal at the end of the ride? Is there something like a fatique?

  • why are there no BT 2024, when my fitness gradually improved (BT means u are better than before?)

  • did a segment with your garmin add on today - it told my to hold a power of around 250 watts to get my target. in real i was 30sec slower than i should. what was the mistake?

thanks in advance!

Your signature updates after every activity and will rise and fall due to Training Load alone.
Breakthrough events (BTs) confirm a bump in signature values but are not necessary for your signature to align.
A Near BT indicates your signature is dialed in (assuming the activity included true max efforts).
Some users can go for months without BTs while others will challenge themselves frequently especially if they compete or enjoy pushing themselves on hard group rides or ZRL.
This is where MPA and TTE fields or the new Xert Dashboard can be referenced on a Garmin to let you know when you are close to a BT.

If you want to confirm your numbers are in the right ballpark, I suggest you try a “fitness test” workout in Slope mode (if indoors). Try to exceed target watts and duration on any intervals designed to drive you to a failure point. Even if you don’t achieve a BT you’ll have a good idea how aligned your signature is and whether any manual adjustment is warranted.

PP is the least sensitive value in terms of variability and the effect on your training.
It’s not uncommon for users to generate 100-200 more watts during sprint efforts outdoors compared to indoors on a trainer.
Also, PP is literally your 1 sec power. Many cyclists can attain that after spending hours in the saddle. Not necessarily sustain it, but come very close to their max power. You just can’t hold it for very long like pros can.
You may have noticed most sprint intervals change to Slope mode when running EBC indoors.
The goal is a max effort rather than a specific watt target.

MPA is only drawn down when you exceed TP and should return to normal during recovery although your ability to draw down repeatedly declines over time due to fatigue.
Xert 2.0 (under development) will model that fatigue and how it affects MPA and TP during rides.

Lots of newbie tips posted here if you haven’t see this already –
Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum (

Welcome aboard. :slight_smile: