Beta Forecast AI - Super interested

Try again. The algorithm has been updated.

I still see mostly 60XSS days

If all you have is a fixed 1 hour time, that’s pretty much all you’ll get in terms of XSS. If you have more time, increase your availability and/or change it to flex.

Why is that? I regularly do 80 to 100 xss an hour.

I’m getting a very strange bug, I am setting my ‘goal’ then setting my daily availability but when I forecast the system seems to be ignoring the rules I set entirely. My availability schedule is as follows:
Mon - 1hr
Tue - 1.5hr
Wed - 1.5hr
Thur - Unavail
Fri - 1.5hr
Sat - 3.5hr
Sun - Unavail

You can see my set goal here.

This is the weeks training that keeps generating despite my parameters.

Even though I have set a 1.5hr availability on Fridays, I keep being prescribed 1x workout a week at up to 4hr on a Friday?

I have reset the parameters multiple times and this is all I get. I have also tried it in various browsers throught the day, I’ve logged out and back in, nothing works. Very strange bug.

I have this message no matter if I choose a Goal or Event “A training plan that reaches your target could not be found. Your target is not achievable”.

80-100 XSS will be an intense workout, you should allow for some low intensity as well.

If you only have 60 min available, ask yourself if you can use 15 more minutes one of the days. A few more minutes adds up.

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Hi, Just set up Beta Forecast AI. But where can you stipulate the amount of riding you can do per day (Training availability)? I tend to not ride on Saturdays as I have made it Sue-day (Sue is my wife!)

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Are you only riding indoors at the moment?
Do you also ride some easy days in the 45-60 XSSR range?

Once a plan is forecast you’ll see a clock icon button under each day. You can then define this week’s pattern and carry it forward or vary the pattern week to week if your schedule changes.


Only indoors at moment. Easy days are 70-75 in an hour. HIIT days are 90-100hr, long day is Sunday at around 130 over 1.5 hrs. I try to get in 4 weekdays plus Sunday but realistically over the last few months, it is 3 weekdays and Sunday and then I end up choosing a harder workout to make up for the shortfall. Life.

The AI generation gives me practically nothing above 60, occasionally mid 80s and maybe a mid-90s for the one and a half hour weekend ride. I feel like my fitness will fall on that kind of plan but maybe I’m wrong

Then again…per Garmin, not enough low aerobic work

Congratulations on the update, I have a question about how hours are distributed when using the availability planner. From my understanding a smaller amount of longer endurance rides are more beneficial than doing a large number of short ones (eg. 2x4hr vs 4x2hr). Does Forecast AI take this into account when distributing rides? I seem to be getting recommended a good few frequent 1hr45min endurance rides even though my normal training would consist of 1-2 4hr+ rides per week. Is it all based on XSS and not duration? Do I just need to tell the software that I am available for 5hrs on some days? I understand this might be a question to be answered later when blog entries are released. Thanks

How can we cancel the AI tool schedule? I did try the tool but it gives me a plan that is impossible to follow for someone that has a normal job.

I would like to cancel the scheduled training days from the planner and revert back to the manual (adaptive) training mode based on XSS weekly loads. how can I do this via a button (or I need to cancel each one of the 98 scheduled training days?)

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Duration is only a factor in allocating time for training but not what you benefit from. XSS is what you benefit from and yes doing more in one bout is better than splitting.

The initial analysis is based on XSS you regularly perform. It gets converted to time when it gets scheduled and you might see it show as less time if you tend to ride easier (less than 60XSS per hour). If you like to do them easier, simply fulfill the XSS requirements with longer rides. Spending more time without more XSS doesn’t provide additional benefit according to our modeling.


Just change your goal back to continuous and it will remove the plan

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Open the Goals and Settings and click Continous and Save. It will remove all your scheduled training.

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@xertedbrain - couple of questions about the AI features.

  • If I enter an “event” as my goal (for example, a ~6.5hr gravel race in April), how does the system determine the requirements for that? I actually get an error saying that it’s not possible to create a plan. But why? I can surely cycle for 7hrs, even if I’m slower…

  • How are the weekly hours determined/constrained? For example, if I start a plan for a similar (but lesser) goal in April, then I am given training volumes as low as 4hr/week right now. Can I push this upwards?

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Good catch. Gravel Race is a race and so the requirements are higher. We will add another gravel option for those that just want to complete the event. For now, choose Granfondo Recreational and it should give you a more reasonable target. More changes to this section coming soon as well so revisit often.

When you use the slider for hours, watch how the target training load changes. The higher the values, the more training you’ll need to do to prepare. Ultimately, it’s these 3 numbers and the timeframe that dictate how much and what kind of training you’ll need to do to prepare. The different event options simply change how each number changes relative to one another to match what the event will likely require.

Thanks. I’ll continue to play around.

Perhaps Xert is right and I will struggle with the race in April (I wholly intend to race!) :wink:
I guess at some level, Xert is trying to figure out what the demands are for this race. Are these demands based on what is required to win / comete for podium? Ultimately that’s not may people in a 1000+ rider gravel race. Could this be based on percentiles (do you have data for this)?

I am playing around with this and its super cool!

It is hard for me to guess at a XSS for a race although, but looking at historical data I can take a guess at it.

I kind of wish it had a “get as best feature” as in I know I only have certain amount of time I can ride on certain days. I also like to do “practice race” or high XSS group rides on Thursdays (Usually 100-200 XSS). It would be cool to tell it that is going to happen and let it adapt that into “my” system.

Does this make sense?