I´ve been running Xert in parallel to my main Training Program / Monitoring Tools (TR and GC) for quite some time and summer this year I would have said I almost understood Xert in a way I am able to use it for my daily training - unfortunately (for me) the new updates brought more questions .
I would just need some support on following items:
Under the training tab and “Todays recommended training” its shown “Restricted” due to my availability. I have set my availability to 4 hours recently but it stills shows “Restricted”. What is Xert planning, hitting me with a 5h-workout ?
For Forecast AI (FAI): Choosing Continuous Program and weekly improvement rate “Moderate -1” gives me an estimate onTP Increase of 8W (in 1 month). Choosing the Goal Program under FAI for same increase (even just with 1W increase) it says I will not reach my targets in even 1.5 months. Any ideas where I did wrong?
Can someone direct me please to the colour code explanations of the coloured bars under the training and program tab? Both have the same start date but colour differently.
Polarization under the “General Settings” option for the programs: Even choosing 5:1 Polarization left me with 3 High Intensity Workouts per week. This leads me to 2 questions: 1. What do I have to do to just get 2 HI Workouts and 2. Is HI in Xert the same as Zone 3 in the Polarization Model from Seiler?
Thanks a lot & have a nice day ahead.