Android app power issues

I thought I’d give the android app another go today as I’ve been uploading the zwo files to zwift for the last week or two.

I had the app controlling my Trainer via BT and also had my HR and Stages pm connected all via BT.

There was nothing else connected via BT and the laptop BT was turned off.

I also had the remote player outputing from my laptop to my large screen tv via hdmi.

All was going well until about 30mins in when the powermatching would just not drop down to the required recovery interval level. You can see it in the image below where the target watts were 107w but it would not drop below 158w. All this time whilst holding a cadence of a sready 75rpm.

All in all I managed to lose todays workout data.

I know when myself and friends have had issues in the past with losing data during Trainerroad sessions that they can recover ride data.

Can you please recover my workout data as I’d like to have it in my fitness numbers.

I’m not sure what happened here but I’m a bit wary of using the app again as it’s not the first time I’ve had issues with it losing connection.

You can see on the bottom image where on the interval the power just would not come down and you can see the two instances where I actually stopped pedalling and retried. I’m beginning to get a bit fed up with trying to use the app now.


xert pwer issues

Hi George,

I know this is frustrating for you and we want everyone to have a good experience with our workouts. Kindly include this information in an email to support, as well as including some information about your phone model, app version & build number, etc. One of our techs will look into it so we can identify the problem and get you working out smoothly in the future.

Obviously I’m biased with being on the team, but my experience with Android lately has been excellent since the BT update, running from a Google Pixel 2. The issue might be something unique to your specific phone, or maybe we’re missing a setting somewhere. Once we get more info from you, we can help you out!



Are you able to recover my ride?

Support ticket sent thanks

I switched to ANT+ for all my sensors except cadence (old Polar unit).
I also stopped using Powermatch and rely on trainer control for power.
Haven’t had any issues with the Android app in over a year. This was before the recent BT updates but I see no reason to go back to BT since ANT+ just works.
Your screenshots look a bit different. Are you running a beta release?
Does Xert support multiple email addresses or usernames under one account?

Yes its the beta android app and remote player.

I’m not sure what you mean by

How are you able to post under @cyclingscot and @oldcyclist65?
Does one login allow you to participate in a closed beta while the other is for the current release?

hahahahaha, well spotted that man. I had a trial account on my mobile phone and when that expired I decided to sign up and pay for a yearly account. Looks like my mobile is logged into the forum under the old account and my laptop (what I’m on now) is using my paid up account. I guess that’s may be what it is. Can’t say I even noticed. :joy:

As an experiment I switched back to BT sensors (Cadence, HR, Trainer: Power/Torque/Control, Speed from Power) and the workouts have been running fine using BT only.

yes, not ideal as I like to use ANT+ on Android and BLE on zwift. I have a cable bridge but this doesn’t always work very smoothly. Few other issues posted in the Facebook page so not sure if this is an XERT app problem since the last update or a recent android update.

Yes I’ve been having power issues with the new android app via BT too.

How do you access to transparent remote player ?

You have to request beta access

Testing with this today. We’ll try and replicate/resolve the issue! Thanks for your patience!