Anchor/Repeating Future Activities

If I’m doing the same or similar ride weekly every Mon, Wed,Thurs & Sat, is there a way to add them as a repeating Anchor Workout, so that I don’t need to add it every week/month?

I may not do the workout exactly but I can predict an average power and duration, eg. leading zwift rides at Avg 50% LT for 60 minutes.

I want to use this so that then I can plan into the future Tues, Thur and Sun workouts with Xert knowing what workload I will have on the surrounding days.

You can favorite an activity (via the star in the activity) or workout (including manually created ones) and then drag those onto the calendar in the planner if you like (they appear to the left in a list).

Not sure what you are trying to do and whether it’s necessary though - I guess if you want do a ‘what if’ scenario it’s useful (e.g. what’s my training load and focus if I add some VO2 work around the anchor ones), otherwise you can just follow XATA? Or just do the rides without ‘planning’ them?

I have 3 or 4 days when I know exactly what rides I will be doing (Zwift TTTs and leader of recovery rides), therefore I could have these as weekly recurring events. The benefit for me is that I can then plan ahead the workouts for free days, Xert will provide options suitable to the training load.

I know that I can select workouts the day before on on the day, at which point Xert will give me options, but I like to select workouts in advance so I can be mentally prepared.

I know I can drag them in manually, but it’d be convenient if I could make them weekly recurring workouts

I think something around this would be a good enhancement. XATA is great, but it’s nice to be able to set out workouts and then work around those.

Repeating activities/workouts/sessions are a bit of a challenge since you need to specify the repeat interval and the number of repeats too. The system will recalculate your signature at each of these activiites atm so we can’t have an infinite number of them. :frowning: Adds a quite a bit of complexity to the repeating activity feature set needed. Copy and pasting with the Weekly Stats page is one alternative.