AI generated workout not matching training description

On the planner when I click the XSS button for sundays training I get:

Focus on efforts near or just below lower threshold power while pushing longer endurance efforts in between

If I click the choose my training I get:

You’re going focus on improving your threshold power.
Focus on maintaining a higher power near your lower threshold power (250.1 watts) between intervals. This promotes your ability recover under fatigue, boosting your threshold power, lifting your low intensity energy system’s aerobic capacity and increasing the ability to use lactate as a fuel. The rest intervals are longer, reducing the number of high intensity intervals you can do.
You will challenged so be sure to be well-rested beforehand, fuel up and hydrate beforehand and maintain your carb intake and hydration during your training. Stay focused and motivated. It’ll be worth it.
It’s okay to do a bit more if you have time. You have extra time to rest before your next training session.
Zone: Upper 3 / 4 - Tempo to Lactate Threshold. Target Interval Power: 334.1 watts.

If I click autogenerate this is what it spits out:

Warmup 60% LTP to 105% LTP 08:00 minutes 60% LTP 02:00 minutes 1
Set 1 402 W 01:20 minutes 229 W 23:17 minutes 2
Recover 171 W 03:00 minutes 0 W 00:00 minutes 1
Set 2 385 W 01:20 minutes 212 W 23:17 minutes 2
Recover 171 W 03:00 minutes 0 W 00:00 minutes 1
Set 3 369 W 01:20 minutes 196 W 23:17 minutes 2
Cooldown 90% LTP to 60% LTP 05:00 minutes 0 W 00:00 minutes 1

To me none of this seems to agree with one another.
If I were to go by the longest set of instructions the workout I would do would be something like 3-5 min @ ~335w and rest @ ~250w repeated.

The current training description is very generic. We’ve been working on some new methods that will enable us to be more precise with our descriptions. The workouts always attempt to complete the require training. Soon the descriptions will do better to match this too. Stay tuned.