Adaptive Training Advisor XSS vs Suggested training XSS

Why is the recommended Adaptive Training Advisor XSS so different from the Suggested training XSS?

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As I understand it Active Recovery (difficulty of one) has 40XSS per hour, so you would need to do a recovery ride of more than 2 hours to meet those requirements… Sound very boring and painful at the same time.

I’m having some trouble with this screen of information too.

Looking at yours, I read that as Xert thinks you need to go do a workout equating to training stress of 13 at a recovery pace (I guess zone 1 type riding where it’s spinning the legs only). Then I read that it wants you to go perform a high intensity workout at the same time.

Having watched a few videos, I’ve obviously not understood what this screen is telling me to do.

Thanks for sharing this.

You’re 13 pts shy of Noon position on Training Pacer to match your current ramp rate progression (Moderate-1).
Any needle position from 11am-1pm means you’re on target for your Continuous ATP settings.
83 XSS is what you have normally ridden in the past on Wednesdays.
As for today’s XSS target, the suggested workout closely matches the total points and ratio desired.

Recommended: 83 (78|3.9|.9)
Workout found: 81 (76|3.9|.7)

I can see where this causes some confusion as the 1-diamond difficulty advice does not apply.
There’s aren’t many 1 diamond level HIT workouts to choose from since HIT requires high intensity intervals. Workout selections expand as you migrate to 2 stars status level and higher.
In your case XATA found an appropriate XSS ratio workout which is one you created using a SMART workout as a template.
1-star status TL also doesn’t mean you can’t tackle a 3-diamond difficulty workout.
You can alternately use Autogen to create the workout which will likely lower the diamond count by giving you lower watt RIBs (rest-in-between intervals).

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The system does both - it recommends the optimal training which is based on your selected settings (Athlete Type, Improvement Rate, Training Status, etc.) but it also considers what you usually do. Some people might not have the time to ride 3+ hours in the middle of the week, so recommending long rides wouldn’t be appropriate. However, you can/should also use the duration filter to adjust the recommendations based on how much time you have to ride.

I think there’s a bug with the text display for the XATA difficulty levels - we should look into this. As @Nipheon pointed out, it would take a very, very long time (~2 hours) to reach 83 XSS at a 1-diamond difficulty level. The top recommended workout accomplishes the same target XSS in 1/2 the time.

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