Adapt forecast issue

I’ve done a (big) ride on zwift this evening that wasn’t planned, obviously I’ve got the little red dot that tells me to adapt my programme but if I do that my focus power goes from 244 to 240W and my training load goes from 47 at the end of the programme to 41, which is huge! I don’t understand, this ride gives me a bit of a head start on my programme but it looks like I’ll be less trained at the end, I don’t understand…

Or has xert determined that my target was too high thanks to this ride?

Without adaptation (no purple before the ride of today)


The magenta bars indicate that something is wrong with that forecasted training… Try hovering over the magenta bars in your program and look at what Xert is telling you.

It looks like you might have some time constraints & that you may not be able to achieve the desired Training Load within the confines of your available time. It’s possible that you could still achieve the target, but you’d likely need to choose slightly harder workouts, which will allow you to accumulate more XSS in the given amount of time. For high-intensity trainings, this is controlled by the XSS per Hour Preference.

Thank you, but I still don’t understand why all these changes have been made because of just one ride

It’s possible that your forecast is “very tight” such that a small change requires a lot of adjustments. This could mean that you’ll need to follow the plan pretty closely in order to achieve the result you’re looking for.

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