Activities Table View does not work

Hello, did I miss something ? The Table view for activities displays a dialog with an ajax error, and then displays tables, but with no activities… Im using Chrome.

Check your recently uploaded activities (using the Notification link on the top bar to open them or use the Activity Dashboard). If one has no data, try deleting it. If you can’t locate anything strange in your data, send a note to and someone will have a look. Cheers.

Thanks Armando. My runs are automatically loaded from Garmin, might be the reason. Will check that. Thanks !

I am having similar issues. My Fitness planner and weekly stats pages are blank also "My activities - table view. It worked two days ago. It works on my phone.

If you’ve inserted an older activity into your progression history that hasn’t been analyzed with the latest algorithm, this can occur. If the reason is something else, send a note to support with more details so we can look into it.