7 day Stage Race and Forecast AI

Anyone have any suggestions on what parameters i should use for a 7 day Stage race (Haute Route Alps)? I was thinking of plugging in a specific 10 min power that i am aspiring to, but that would be only part of the equation- need endurance and repeatability as well.

As a starting point… I’d recommend using the ‘Target Event’ option (with a mixed or polar climber specificity/focus) and setting your event readiness to 1 - Excellent. This will require you to achieve a higher TL going into the event, but ensure that you’re more resilient to multiple high-XSS days back to back without being in red status.

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thanks for the advice. The best i could get was a 2- readiness playing with the training hours. That being said, i’m just coming off a month of sickness. I’ll see what a few weeks of training does and hopefully i’ll be able to get the readiness down to a 1.