20-Minute FTP Test Cross Check

I just completed a traditional 20-minute FTP test and have uploaded it to my Xert profile. I’m wondering if there’s a way I can cross reference the results of that test with what Xert has calculated, and possibly correct some features? I believe my FTP decay has been faster than Xert gives me credit for, since Xert shows my total MPA rarely dipping at all.

Hi Peter, what would you like to compare Xert’s threshold results to? If you feel that this test was ‘good’ (you pushed all the way to failure), you can lock the signature from the activity to establish your new signature. If you’re having trouble, send a note to support@xertonline.com

Let me look into how to “lock the signature”…

Ok. To do this, open the activity, click the ‘Advanced MPA’ tab, and you’ll see the lock/save button on the bottom-right. Here you can also change your signature, and lock it…