XFAI Feedback

Also if you use the XERT eBC app on your phone and go to the Train tab it shows what deficit or surplus you have - at leat in IOS version it does

I keep seeing people refer to 120 day challenge, but this option no longer exists. You can only select a 30 day challenge, and you can not select the dates in which it occurs, it’s based on whatever “today” is +30.

I would personally like a 120 day plan, and was on such a plan before I tired forecast AI which has pretty much derailed my training as I have not been able to get back to what I was doing before.

Overall XFAI makes little to no sense for me as a cat 3 road racer looking to be competitive. I want to train for target races, and race along the way. The concept of recovery after event does not resonate. I just want to set a target race and a related fitness goal and see if I can hit it or not. XFAI just seems to require more thought than before.

I’m not an expert coach, but I used Xert for about a year and loved it. Recently im thinking about using another platform that doesn’t make me think and google so much.

Program, Target Date, Target Type: 120 Day Program.
Also removes current forecast as would changing to Continuous.

in hindsight this seems obvious, but for ~30 days it wasn’t. thanks.

Does the FAI adapt the target if the plan is not followed? (e.g. change the target from 250W to 240W) Or should we look at event readiness (by trying to create a new plan)?

My guess is Adapt Forecast will warn you if you drift too far from the plan to achieve the goal.

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At the moment, if your target changes - Focus/Specificity/Target Power - you’ll need re-run Forecast AI.

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