Training Status & Form

On “My Fitness” page my star is blue indicating that I am Fresh.
The XATA is saying I have a Training Deficit of 2 XSS and is recommending an Endurance workout with 86 XSS
But on my Fitness Planner for today it is indicating that I am very tired by way of a red star. I have no planned workouts in Fitness Planner, just the completed workouts.
so I am a little confused what I should do in situation like this as one page is saying I am Fresh, and another page is saying I am Very Tired ?

Calendar is based on midnight.

Hi Armando, thanks for quick reply. So the red star on the calender refers to midnight past, so its now 18 hours later so I will be “Fresher” Is the star on the My Fitness page base on “now” ? Thanks
