New user.

Hi Xert.
How accurate can I count on the estimated calculated FTP for about 5 months?
I started cycling in 2012.
I was born in 1946.
My age is 72 years old (is age calculated in program algorithm?)
My current FTP = 3.8 W / kg.

Hi Kurt. Welcome. If you have many circles especially large circles on your XPMC chart, particularly if they are recent, your signature numbers are accurately representing your MPA and thus your fitness signature. What is more important in terms of accuracy is MPA rather than your FTP since in Xert, training and goals are based on your overall signature which determines MPA and ultimately your ability to perform. When you have large/many breakthrough activities (circles), it means that MPA is accurate and your signature is accurate.

Xert doesn’t factor in age at this time.