There are workouts like this in the workout library. Search for “active” and you’ll find several active recovery workouts with similar setup at various durations.
It’s easy pedaling so no warmup/cooldown needed.
Indoors you’d probably watch TV or Netflix or read a book on Kindle if you want.
They are just recovery rides with a very low XSS/hr.
100% agree. Unless I rode at long flat road, I was not able to do xert workouts in any meaningful way. And for endurace rides I am fine with keeping my power around LTP.
New Xert user here, just signed up with a trial. I only ride outdoors, I don’t have a trainer. Can’t really comment on using Xert outdoors but training outdoors doesn’t have to be difficult or complex.
Endurance ride: stay below LT1, use either power meter or HR monitor or both. Yes this means going slowly up hills in granny gear. For me it meant buying an 11-34 cassette (already had 50/34 chain rings) to make that easier due to the terrain where I live. It takes discipline and I admit sometimes I’ll hit pinch climbs with a 500-800W burst instead of taking it easy.
Intervals: Old school hill climbing repeats. I have 3 different hills within 20min ride of home where I can do VO2Max intervals. 30min ride to a 2km climb that takes me 8-9mins, I do it 4 times. I ride to/from these below LT1. 60min to a 2km climb that takes me 12-14min, I do it 3 times - I ride there and ride back so I get 2hrs of endurance work at the same time. As I get fitter I’ll increase the number of climbing repeats.
Not sure whether I’ll even try and use Xert player during my workouts, or just use the platform for stats. Have been using and found it very useful for tracking load/fatigue and all the other great stuff it has.
If you have any flat or flattish places to ride then the Xert player workers loaded onto a Garmin work well.
I personally find it very difficult to do structured training outside as I live in a hilly area, where it constantly goes up and down. I tried once, but was put off when I got prescribed a 140W recovery up a hill or 370W downhill. What I do is like Armando said, I have some target duration, say 3 mins, and I plan a few Strava segments of similar duration along the route. Using Strava Live segments I then hammer for that duration and the benefit is twofold (for me): I train the focus duration and hopefully get a PR. I’ve taken a few KOMs this way. And if you’re doing a group ride, I guess you can use the time in front to do your target duration (if your duration is short enough, say, 3-6 mins). Of course, that’s provided your riding buddies don’t complain that they have to work too hard sitting on your wheel
I have a Wahoo Bolt, I can download and convert the workouts to .mrc. But I have a trainer now so would just do them on that, either with the Bolt or the Xert player.
Great strategy…KISS.
If you plan on using the XATA for plans and periodization outdoors you can use Garmin IQ data fields: MAP/power, Focus/Strain, XSS, TTE/TTR. Great stuff, safe riding to you.
Hi everyone, i use ONLY outdoors the XERT Player and the workout w/ extremely satisfaction and utility for improve the quality of my ride (road and TT). No problem for the traffic: i use the WUP and the CD for quit and return in to the town, for the other parts of the training, i ride in the country road. Best Regards. Corrado, Italy.